A true mini that tastes like summer.
Unique orange-fleshed honeydew.
Personal-sized, early, and delicious.
Premium-quality organic cantaloupe.
Bright, orange flesh with sherbet-like taste, a real people-pleaser.
Personal-size honeydew with beautifully variegated skin.
Our best-tasting yellow seedless watermelon.
Early and widely adapted Piel de Sapo that is very popular in Spain.
Great-tasting Eastern shipper.
Creamy, sweet, and aromatic Crenshaw.
Sweet and juicy Canary type.
Orange seedless watermelon with great flavor.
Specialty French melon for longer storage.
Round "icebox" watermelon with sweet red flesh.
High-yielding, widely-adapted organic melon for full-season harvest.
Smaller seedless watermelon with fantastic flavor.
Unique sweet-and-sour flavor.
Unique shape, size, and rind color in a widely-adapted variety.
Attractive yellow-skinned honeydew with very flavorful orange flesh.
Early maturing substitute for Lambkin.
Superior yellow-flesh watermelon.
Delicious traditional Charentais.
First-ever organic triploid.
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Our recommended sub for Sureness.
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Extra-early Charentais type, matures nearly a week before Savor.
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Tasty, seedless Sugar Baby-type watermelon.
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Attractive yellow seedless watermelon with sweet flavor.
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Smaller seedless watermelon with fantastic flavor.
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