Beautiful in casual flower bouquets, imparts a sweet cinnamon aroma.
For field, container, and hydroponic production.
Spectacular mix of colors with bicolor petals.
Tall Genovese, highly resistant to downy mildew.
Semi-compact Genovese, highly resistant to downy mildew.
Add color and scent to your bouquets with basil.
Authentic Thai basil flavor.
First purple basil with resistance to downy mildew and Fusarium.
Classic Italian basil variety with authentic flavor and appearance.
Edible flower with mild cucumber flavor attracts bees and butterflies.
Slow-bolting dill for bunching and leaf harvest.
Compact Genovese basil. Downy mildew and Fusarium resistant.
Our slowest-bolting dwarf dill for containers and small spaces.
Compact Genovese basil. Downy mildew and Fusarium resistant.
Edible flower with mild cucumber flavor attracts bees and butterflies.
Classic Italian basil variety with authentic flavor and appearance.
Leafy herb with bold celery flavor.
Leafy herb with bold celery flavor.
Versatile Asian culinary herb.
Spicy aroma with hints of coffee and chocolate, a mild spice flavor.
Standard bunching dill.
Upright, tidy, and ideal for container sales.
Attractive, uniform lettuce-leaf type with ruffled, puckered leaves.
Spicy aroma with hints of coffee and chocolate, a mild spice flavor.
Productive, compact, and slow-bolting.
Standard Genovese type for containers.
Brussels Winter type with dark green leaves.
Traditionally used to flavor Mexican and Indian dishes.
Versatile Asian culinary herb.