Johnny's Selected Seeds - Superior Seeds & Gardening Tools

100% Employee Owned

Non-GMO Safe Seed Pledge

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Same-Day U.S. Shipping

Our mission is helping families, friends, and communities to feed one another by providing superior seeds, tools, information, and service.


For over 50 years Johnny’s has set the standard for high seed quality, meeting or exceeding federal minimum requirements for germination rates, pathogen testing, and traceability.

Video: ProCut® Series

Learn how to choose between the popular ProCut sunflower varieties.


Make sure your bean harvest pays off. Start with our high-quality seed.


Grow the best radishes—chosen for their flavor, color, and crunch.


Top-notch flavor, high yields, and great field performance.


Johnny's offers field-tested tools and supplies chosen and developed with the organic grower, market gardener, and avid home gardener in mind. We focus on scale-appropriate tools designed to increase efficiency and ergonomics on the small farm.

Video: Six-Row Seeder

Learn the many advantages of our re-engineered Six-Row Seeder.


Save time and money with a seeder scaled to fit your operation.

Solar Shrink®

Thinner, lighter, more efficient mulch with 40% less plastic waste.

Raised Beds & Planters

Easy, durable options for small-space gardening.