718 Products
All Organic
Organic Farm Seed
Refine by Category: Organic Farm Seed
Organic Flowers
Refine by Category: Organic Flowers
Organic Fruits
Refine by Category: Organic Fruits
Organic Herbs
Refine by Category: Organic Herbs
Organic Supplies
Refine by Category: Organic Supplies
Organic Vegetables
Refine by Category: Organic Vegetables
- 1r Treated Seeds Refine by Seed Type: 1r Treated Seeds
- Heirloom Refine by Seed Type: Heirloom
- Hybrid Refine by Seed Type: Hybrid
- Open Pollinated Refine by Seed Type: Open Pollinated
- Organic Seeds, Plants, and Supplies Refine by Seed Type: Organic Seeds, Plants, and Supplies
- Pelleted Seeds Refine by Seed Type: Pelleted Seeds
- AAS (All-America Selections) Winners Refine by Featured: AAS (All-America Selections) Winners
- Current Promotion Refine by Featured: Current Promotion
- Developed by Johnny's Refine by Featured: Developed by Johnny's
- Easy Choice Refine by Featured: Easy Choice
- Johnny's Exclusive Refine by Featured: Johnny's Exclusive
- Liquidation Refine by Featured: Liquidation
- New for 2025! Refine by Featured: New for 2025!
- Online Only Refine by Featured: Online Only
- Overstock Refine by Featured: Overstock
- SALE! Refine by Featured: SALE!
- Baby Vegetables Refine by Additional Characteristics: Baby Vegetables
- Cold Tolerant Refine by Additional Characteristics: Cold Tolerant
- Fast Growing Refine by Additional Characteristics: Fast Growing
- Good for Overwintering Refine by Additional Characteristics: Good for Overwintering
- Good for Storage Refine by Additional Characteristics: Good for Storage
- Heat Tolerant Refine by Additional Characteristics: Heat Tolerant
- Micro Mix Component Refine by Additional Characteristics: Micro Mix Component
- OMRI (Organic Materials Review Institute) Listed Refine by Additional Characteristics: OMRI (Organic Materials Review Institute) Listed
- Parthenocarpic Refine by Additional Characteristics: Parthenocarpic
- Pollenless Refine by Additional Characteristics: Pollenless
- Recommended for Winter Harvest Refine by Additional Characteristics: Recommended for Winter Harvest
- Recommended Summer Planting for Fall Harvest Refine by Additional Characteristics: Recommended Summer Planting for Fall Harvest
- Slow Growing Refine by Additional Characteristics: Slow Growing
- Start Early For Transplants Refine by Additional Characteristics: Start Early For Transplants
- Attracts Beneficial Insects Refine by Use: Attracts Beneficial Insects
- Biomass Refine by Use: Biomass
- Bouquet Filler Refine by Use: Bouquet Filler
- Compaction Control Refine by Use: Compaction Control
- Controls Aphids Refine by Use: Controls Aphids
- Controls Cabbage Loopers Refine by Use: Controls Cabbage Loopers
- Controls Cucumber Beetles Refine by Use: Controls Cucumber Beetles
- Controls Downy Mildew Refine by Use: Controls Downy Mildew
- Controls Flea Beetles Refine by Use: Controls Flea Beetles
- Controls Japanese Beetles Refine by Use: Controls Japanese Beetles
- Controls Late Blight Refine by Use: Controls Late Blight
- Controls Powdery Mildew Refine by Use: Controls Powdery Mildew
- Controls Slugs Refine by Use: Controls Slugs
- Controls Stink Bugs Refine by Use: Controls Stink Bugs
- Culinary Herbs Refine by Use: Culinary Herbs
- Edible Flowers Refine by Use: Edible Flowers
- Erosion Control Refine by Use: Erosion Control
- Forage Refine by Use: Forage
- Fragrant Refine by Use: Fragrant
- Green Manure Refine by Use: Green Manure
- Ideal for Drying and Crafts Refine by Use: Ideal for Drying and Crafts
- Medicinal Herbs Refine by Use: Medicinal Herbs
- Nitrogen Fixation Refine by Use: Nitrogen Fixation
- Ornamentals Refine by Use: Ornamentals
- Pesto Refine by Use: Pesto
- Tools for Protected Culture Refine by Use: Tools for Protected Culture
- Use for Cut Flowers and Bouquets Refine by Use: Use for Cut Flowers and Bouquets
- Use in Hanging Baskets Refine by Use: Use in Hanging Baskets
- Weed Suppression Refine by Use: Weed Suppression
- Anthracnose Refine by Disease Resistance: Anthracnose
- Alternaria Stem Canker Refine by Disease Resistance: Alternaria Stem Canker
- Angular Leaf Spot Refine by Disease Resistance: Angular Leaf Spot
- Bacterial Wilt Refine by Disease Resistance: Bacterial Wilt
- Bacterial Brown Spot Refine by Disease Resistance: Bacterial Brown Spot
- Bacterial Leaf Spot Refine by Disease Resistance: Bacterial Leaf Spot
- Bean Mosaic Virus Refine by Disease Resistance: Bean Mosaic Virus
- Cucumber Mosaic Virus Refine by Disease Resistance: Cucumber Mosaic Virus
- Club Root Refine by Disease Resistance: Club Root
- Corky Root Rot Refine by Disease Resistance: Corky Root Rot
- Curly Top Beet Mosaic Virus Refine by Disease Resistance: Curly Top Beet Mosaic Virus
- Cucumber Vein Yellowing Virus Refine by Disease Resistance: Cucumber Vein Yellowing Virus
- Downy Mildew Refine by Disease Resistance: Downy Mildew
- Early Blight Refine by Disease Resistance: Early Blight
- Foliar Late Blight Refine by Disease Resistance: Foliar Late Blight
- Fusarium Crown and Root Rot Refine by Disease Resistance: Fusarium Crown and Root Rot
- Fusarium Wilt Refine by Disease Resistance: Fusarium Wilt
- Fusarium Yellows Refine by Disease Resistance: Fusarium Yellows
- Gray Leaf Spot Refine by Disease Resistance: Gray Leaf Spot
- Late Blight Refine by Disease Resistance: Late Blight
- Leaf Molds A-E Refine by Disease Resistance: Leaf Molds A-E
- Lettuce Mosaic Virus Refine by Disease Resistance: Lettuce Mosaic Virus
- Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus Refine by Disease Resistance: Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus
- Nematodes Refine by Disease Resistance: Nematodes
- Northern Corn Leaf Blight Refine by Disease Resistance: Northern Corn Leaf Blight
- Lettuce Leaf Aphid Refine by Disease Resistance: Lettuce Leaf Aphid
- Lettuce Root Aphid Refine by Disease Resistance: Lettuce Root Aphid
- Phytophthora Blight Refine by Disease Resistance: Phytophthora Blight
- Pea Enation Mosaic Virus Refine by Disease Resistance: Pea Enation Mosaic Virus
- Pepper Mottle Virus Refine by Disease Resistance: Pepper Mottle Virus
- Powdery Mildew Refine by Disease Resistance: Powdery Mildew
- Pink Root Refine by Disease Resistance: Pink Root
- Papaya Ringspot Virus Refine by Disease Resistance: Papaya Ringspot Virus
- Purple Blotch Refine by Disease Resistance: Purple Blotch
- Potato Virus Y Refine by Disease Resistance: Potato Virus Y
- Common Rust Refine by Disease Resistance: Common Rust
- Corky Root Refine by Disease Resistance: Corky Root
- Rhizoctonia Refine by Disease Resistance: Rhizoctonia
- Scab Refine by Disease Resistance: Scab
- Stewart's Wilt Refine by Disease Resistance: Stewart's Wilt
- Tomato Bushy Stunt Virus (Lettuce Dieback Complex) Refine by Disease Resistance: Tomato Bushy Stunt Virus (Lettuce Dieback Complex)
- Tobacco Etch Virus Refine by Disease Resistance: Tobacco Etch Virus
- Tuber Late Blight Refine by Disease Resistance: Tuber Late Blight
- Tobamovirus Refine by Disease Resistance: Tobamovirus
- Tomato Apex Necrosis Virus Refine by Disease Resistance: Tomato Apex Necrosis Virus
- Tomato Mosaic Virus Refine by Disease Resistance: Tomato Mosaic Virus
- Target Spot Refine by Disease Resistance: Target Spot
- Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus Refine by Disease Resistance: Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus
- Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus Refine by Disease Resistance: Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus
- Verticillium Wilt Refine by Disease Resistance: Verticillium Wilt
- Watermelon Mosaic Virus Refine by Disease Resistance: Watermelon Mosaic Virus
- White Tip Refine by Disease Resistance: White Tip
- Zucchini Yellow Mosaic Virus Refine by Disease Resistance: Zucchini Yellow Mosaic Virus

At Johnny’s, we have been farming organically and offering organically-produced seed since 1979, and as one of the original signers of the Safe Seed Pledge, we advocate for non-GMO seed production. We offer a large selection of certified-organic seeds and plants for the commercial farm or home garden, as well as OMRI-listed growing supplies (e.g., fertilizers, insecticides, fungicides) approved for use on certified-organic crops. We both breed and trial under organic conditions on our research farm and at trial locations across the country, to ensure we bring you only the best organic seed varieties, able to withstand the rigors of low-input, organic growing conditions.