Top-Grafting Starter Kit

Product ID:7312.07312

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Top-Grafting Starter Kit

Product ID:7312.07312

Exclusive! Save money growing your own quality grafted seedlings.

Grafting desirable varieties onto vigorous, disease-resistant rootstocks can result in improved growth and fruit yields. Most often used for tomato production, but sometimes utilized with eggplant and peppers. The kit contains a Miter-Cut Grafting Knife, (200 of each: 1.5mm, 2.2mm, 2.8mm) food-grade silicone Top-Grafting Clips with Cannels, (400) Grafting Support Stakes, (5) 7" Clear Propagation Domes, (10) 72-Cell Plug Flats, (5) Lightweight Shallow Trays for extra support and bottom-watering, and a professional-grade Chapin 48-oz. Sprayer for maintaining proper humidity. NOTE: Grafting clip sizes are subject to change depending upon availability.

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  • This product does not ship to the following states and jurisdictions: CA.

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