We offer hard red spring wheat, what many call "the aristocrat of wheat" for its exceptional baking qualities. Hard red spring wheat is a high quality, high protein (and therefore high gluten) wheat that is excellent for milling and baking into specialty breads and rolls, pizza dough, bagels, etc. It can also be used as a cover crop to control erosion and suppress weeds. Typically, hard red spring wheat is grown in the northern U.S. where summers are mild. We offer organic varieties with excellent overall disease resistance, including varieties with resistance to Fusarium blight and leaf rust. We recommend sowing as early as possible in spring (delay reduces yield), at about 4 lb./1,000 sq.ft. (120–140 lb./acre), less in drier climates. Harvest in August–September when most of the green color has turned brown and the seeds are hardening and no longer milky.
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Spring Wheat (Lang-MN)
Organic Cover Crop Seed
High-yielding and very good baking quality.
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