A bouquet of gold flowers, including zinnia, sunflowers, and celosia.


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Unique, long-lasting textural accent.
Vigorous hybrids feature pollenless, uniform, high-quality flowers.
Earlier single-stem, double blooms.
Vigorous plants produce abundant, artful blooms.
Heirloom variety with warm, rich colors.
An organic sunflower with golden-orange petals.
Tall sunflower bred for winter production.
Southern growers prefer this variety for winter production.
Ten days earlier to bloom than the standard Sunrich Series.
Vibrant show of color, summer through frost.
Multiple fragrant blooms per stem.
Bold and bright butterfly daffodil.
Sturdy and versatile flowers and foliage.
Large-flowering zinnias in organic seed.
A truly "miniature" sunflower for container and garden use.
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