Cherry tomatoes growing in a pot.

Grows Well in Containers

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Huge flower heads with incredible color make for an ideal cut flower.
Excellent vase life and low susceptibility to powdery mildew.
Disease-resistant, compact, dwarf plants for garden beds and containers.
Productive, compact, and slow-bolting.
Bite-size for use as edible garnish.
Gourmet salad and sandwich vegetable, exceptional nutritional value.
Classic red poppy dotting fields throughout Europe.
Gomphrena in popular pale, blush pink.
Preferred series for tall, uniform plants and stems.
Fast-growing Fusarium-resistant Genovese type for greenhouse or field.
Medium-size leaf, highly uniform.
Market and culinary standard.
Tall, strong stems for cut flowers.
Alpine strawberries from seed, day-neutral and a gourmet treat.