One of our basil varieties shown growing in a hydroponic system.

Hydroponic Performers

361 Products
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Fast-growing with great color contrast for mixes.
Uniform, reliable, and attractive red butterhead.
The preferred pea variety for shoots, with uniform germination.
Standard cilantro with robust flavor.
Crunchy, snackable, stackable mini cosberg.
Compact, filled-out mini heads that are dark red even in the North.
Deeply incised, heavily frilled leaves add texture to mixes.
Standard heat-tolerant green leaf with disease resistance.
Crunchy texture and mild bean flavor.
Very slow-bolting, broadleaf mustard.
French type with oval-shaped green leaves and zesty lemon flavor.
Crisp seedlings with white stems, green leaves, and peppery flavor.
Fast-growing mizuna with fancy, toothed leaves.
Fast-growing Fusarium-resistant Genovese type for greenhouse or field.