A caterpillar tunnel at the Johnny's research farm.

Johnny's Exclusive

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10 seeds each of the Artisan Tomato™ varieties.
Dark red Tango type with wavy, 3-D leaf structure.
Unlike any cherry tomato on the market.
Fast, accurate weeding on both sides of crop.
Crunchy rib with an iceberg look.
Hybrid with black heirloom quality; dead ringer for Cherokee Purple.
High-yielding bush San Marzano for sauce or canning.
Fancy tendrils for garnishes.
Round "icebox" watermelon with sweet red flesh.
Delicious brown cocktail tomato.
Refine your salad mix with color, flavor, and elegance.
Create perfect holes in mulch and landscape fabric.
Single brush, including threaded shaft, knurl nut, spring and washer.