Bouquet of flowers in orange, coral, and pink.


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Mahogany red flowers with orange tips and a dark disk.
Rose copper-toned blooms on healthy, vigorous plants.
First sunflower to win an All-America Selections award.
Bite-size for use as edible garnish.
Profuse bloomers for fresh or dried arrangements.
A single stem, fully-double sunflower, still a favorite in our trials.
Highly uniform addition to the ProCut® series.
Versatile sunflower with sunny, shaggy blooms for field or container.
Early and prolific classic sunflower.
Showy orange flowers that attract butterflies and bees.
Dwarf, branching plants loaded with red and gold flowers.
Easy-to-grow cosmos for gardens and pollinator plantings.
Classic variety, now with downy mildew resistance.
Mid-sized blooms in shades of orange.
Large-flowering zinnias in organic seed.
Tall, strong stems for cut flowers.