A bouquet of pastel flowers in cream, lavender, rose, and yellow.


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Beautiful blooms and unusual seed pods amidst lacy netting of greenery.
Large, decadent, ruffled blooms for early spring to summer harvest.
Classic florists' eucalyptus.
Cut flower and butterfly habitat.
Premium, reliable florist quality.
Fresh-looking, easy-to-grow grass adds textural element to bouquets.
Elegant blooms resemble roses as they open.
Peony-type blooms with excellent uniformity in an easy-to-grow annual.
Vigorous plants produce abundant, artful blooms.
Unique and popular color.
Light pink, double-flowering aster.
Elegant nodding, ivory blooms sit on tall, sturdy stems.
Finely cut leaves with snowflake appearance for elegant filler.
Large, decadent, ruffled blooms for early spring to summer harvest.