A bouquet of flowers in shades of red and deep pink and purple.


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Profuse bloomers for fresh or dried arrangements.
Excellent vase life and low susceptibility to powdery mildew.
Darkest-red sunflower with long-lasting blooms and wild look.
Exquisite, deep burgundy petals surround an ebony center.
Best red gomphrena for cut flowers, excellent complement to QIS series.
Excellent vase life and low susceptibility to powdery mildew.
Cut flower kale with lovely, rich color for autumn bouquets.
Easy and sweet Darwin Hybrid tulip mix.
Deep mahogany-red foliage for cutting and garden accent.
First red wine-colored rudbeckia from seed.
Dark purple Italian Large Leaf type with high yields and great flavor.
Classic red poppy dotting fields throughout Europe.
Versatile blooms in rich cranberry-red.
Unique, bright-rose-colored gomphrena for cut flowers.
Refined all-season series for field or greenhouse growing.