A bouquet of cut flowers, including blue, yellow, pink, and red flowers and unique grasses and cut flower fillers.

Use for Cut Flowers and Bouquets

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Productive filler shimmers in arrangements, provides textural element.
Densely branched, productive filler, low maintenance once established.
Cut flower and butterfly habitat.
Double and semidouble apricot blooms.
Premium, reliable florist quality.
Attractive mix of pastel and rose shades.
Scented French heirloom carnation for cutting garden with vintage look.
Nearly scentless lime-green to pale yellow blooms.
Unique, double petal Azalea-type cut flower with a Victorian look.
Exceptional fragrance and blooms over a long period of time.
Uniform plants with 5–8", dense spikes that bloom summer to frost.
Lavender and cream blooms on vigorous plants.
Bold and bright butterfly daffodil.
Easy and sweet Darwin Hybrid tulip mix.
Early, easy-to-grow celosia adds sparkle to bouquets.