A bouquet of cut flowers, including blue, yellow, pink, and red flowers and unique grasses and cut flower fillers.

Use for Cut Flowers and Bouquets

676 Products
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Uncommon everlasting with adorable blooms for dried-flower production.
Attractive and long-lasting specialty cut with metallic shine.
White double flowers and decorative seed pods for fresh/dried bouquets.
Vigorous hybrids feature pollenless, uniform, high-quality flowers.
Striped, ruffled petals on long stems.
Excellent vase life and low susceptibility to powdery mildew.
Prolific filler flower that is easy to grow and harvest.
Red seed heads, a mix of all the reds our supplier has to offer.
Easy and sweet Darwin Hybrid tulip mix.
Airy, cool-season filler that is sturdy and easy to grow.
A true Greek oregano with strong aroma and flavor.
Unique black-and-white color combination.