A bouquet of cut flowers, including blue, yellow, pink, and red flowers and unique grasses and cut flower fillers.

Use for Cut Flowers and Bouquets

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Sturdy bouquet filler that complements any color scheme.
Fluffy, pastel blooms are sure to charm.
Romantic, richly layered petals on long stems.
Fragrant, early bloomer.
Productive plants and strong, stiff stems.
Elegant cut flower for early-season production.
Dark violet with white-edged, scalloped petals.
Ropes of deep red, trailing blooms, a reminder of things Victorian.
Lemon yellow petals surround a dark disk.
Unique coral-pink tassels have a great presence in arrangements.
Bright, bold flowers on long, tough stems bloom the first year.
Rich, rose-colored blooms on very strong stems.