A bouquet of pure white flowers.


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Best white gomphrena for cut flowers.
Profuse bloomers for fresh or dried arrangements.
An early bloomer with great color and habit.
Shades of ivory with low susceptibility to powdery mildew.
Similar timing, plant habit, and productivity to Magic series.
Pure white filler with intricate, lacy pattern for elegant bouquets.
Standard filler for arrangements, also known as baby's breath.
Peony-type blooms with excellent uniformity in an easy-to-grow annual.
Cut flower kale with lovely, rich color for autumn bouquets.
Sweet-scented cut flower with stiff stems and delicate appearance.
Pure white filler with intricate, lacy pattern for elegant bouquets.
Uncommon everlasting with adorable blooms for dried-flower production.
White double flowers and decorative seed pods for fresh/dried bouquets.
Elegant, first-year flowering perennial, perfect for cutting.
Elegant blooms resemble roses as they open.