Scorzonera & Salsify - Key Growing Information

Freshly harvested scorzonera roots with their tops still attached, a formerly common sight in cold-season root cellars.
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Tragopogon porrifolius, Scorzonera hispanica
CULTURE: Scorzonera and salsify prefer a deep, friable, well-drained soil. Sow in early to midspring in a 2" band about 1" apart (20 seeds/ft.), 1/2" deep, in rows 18-24" apart. Do not allow soil to dry out prior to emergence. Thin plants to 2-3" apart.
AVG. DIRECT SEEDING RATE: Scorzonera: 1 oz./120', 8.3 oz./1,000', 11.5 lb./acre at 20 seeds/ft. in rows 24" apart. Salsify: 1 oz./130', 7.7 oz./1,000', 10.5 lb./acre at 20 seeds/ft. in rows 24" apart.
HARVEST: Dig roots in late fall.
STORAGE: Overwinter in soil like parsnips or store in root cellar or refrigerator at 32°F (0°C) and 95% relative humidity.
SEED SPECS: AVG. SEEDS/LB: Scorzonera: 36,250; Salsify: 42,750.
PACKET: 100 seeds, sows 5'.