Person holding two Brussels sprouts.

Organic Vegetables

536 Products
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Premium-quality organic cantaloupe.
Fancy, three-lobed leaves with a peppery flavor.
Disease-resistant green Batavia for baby leaf.
Reliable and high-yielding OP fennel with a nice bulb.
Late blight resistant salad tomato with excellent flavor, high yields.
Tasty snacking cucumber with good heat tolerance.
Delicious, high-lycopene grape with massive early yields.
Strong, balanced, high-yielding plant.
Dark red Tango type with wavy, 3-D leaf structure.
Feathery leaves add delicate dill flavor and visual interest.
Magnificent fruits; earlier, more productive than regular habaneros.
The darkest green kale for microgreens.
Be the first to market with a delicious organic option.