Close-up shot of leafy baby greens.


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Darkest broadleaf mustard.
Flashy sorrel adds color and sharp, tangy flavor to salads.
Similar to watercress, but easier to grow.
Bright strawberry red pac choi for mixed packs and baby leaf.
Fast-growing with great color contrast for mixes.
Dark red and green, deeply lobed leaves.
Dark green, deeply lobed leaves on upright plant for easier harvest.
Bright green, intricately serrated leaves with spicy flavor.
Very dark green komatsuna with good heat and cold tolerance.
Colorful heat-tolerant spinach alternative.
Succulent, cold-hardy salad green with heart-shaped leaf pairs.
Tender and lofty with mild flavor.
Dark purple leaf with bright green stem.
Aromatic, deeply lobed chrysanthemum greens.
Intricately lobed dark green and maroon leaves.
Flashy sorrel adds color and sharp, tangy flavor to salads.
Smooth, dark green komatsuna with good regrowth.