The fruits of a large assortment of heirloom tomato varieties, some cut open to reveal the internal colors.

Heirloom Tomatoes

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Sunny orange fruits with full flavor, meaty interior with few seeds.
Unique color and great flavor; one of the best green tomatoes.
Russian heirloom with bold, smoky flavor, good texture, unusual look.
Mahogany brown with distinctively rich and fruity tomato flavor.
Heirloom with unusual pear shape, burgundy color, and rich flavor.
Early Brandywine type yields flattened smooth fruits, many over 1 lb.
Tasty first-early variety borne on a compact, determinate plant.
Delicious, highly productive black heirloom.
An orange old-timer with rich flavor.
Wild tomato with great flavor, fantastic for salsa and fresh eating.
Smooth late-season tomato with plenty of old-fashioned tomato flavor.