A mix of red, yellow, pink, and black tomatoes grown from Johnny's tomato seeds.


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Sweet and robust, almost-black fruits with heirloom-quality flavor.
Improved disease resistance.
Bright-yellow fruits with less splitting and sweet, juicy flavor.
Bicolor with complex, fruity flavor and beautiful interior marbling.
Great flavor, either fresh in salads and salsa or cooked into sauce.
More vigorous, higher yielding Brandywine type with excellent flavor.
Large, refined sauce tomato.
Delicious early determinate beefsteak.
Tasty Indigo type with improved plant habit.
A productive plum tomato with late blight resistance.
Green-striped, delicious, and tangy salad specialty.
The sweetest cherry in the Artisan™ collection.
The earliest shipping-type red cherry with globe-shaped, meaty fruits.
Pink cherry streaked with gold.
Sunny orange fruits with full flavor, meaty interior with few seeds.
Striking red sauce tomato with yellow streaks and excellent flavor.
Our most prolific plum with very good flavor, bred for organic systems.