A mix of red, yellow, pink, and black tomatoes grown from Johnny's tomato seeds.


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Early Brandywine type yields flattened smooth fruits, many over 1 lb.
Large beefsteak-type with broad disease resistance for the South.
A great start to tomato season.
Psychedelic interior.
An entirely new texture.
Eye-catching beauty with dark-indigo shoulders for quart sales.
Early, striped snacking tomato.
Hybrid with black heirloom quality; dead ringer for Cherokee Purple.
Unlike any cherry tomato on the market.
Orange greenhouse slicer with good balance of acidity and sweetness.
Fresh market greenhouse tomato with strong disease package.
Delicious brown cocktail tomato.
High-yielding bush San Marzano for sauce or canning.
Strong, balanced, high-yielding plant.
Heirloom-type pink greenhouse tomato.
Tasty first-early variety borne on a compact, determinate plant.
Bicolor for sustained harvest.