A bouquet of green and green-tinted flowers and flower fillers.

Green Shades

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Excellent cut for its vibrant color and across-the-board uniformity.
Soft, furry plumes are perfect for drying.
Prolific crested-type celosia, a proven workhorse in the garden.
Sturdy bouquet filler that complements any color scheme.
Compact English lavender with a nice range of bloom colors.
The largest and tallest type of quaking grass.
Nearly scentless lime-green to pale yellow blooms.
Large, deeply lobed and flat silvery leaves for elegant bouquet filler.
Unique two-tone bloom color and excellent stem quality.
Elegant fresh or dried flower with masses of white, nodding plumes.
Unique textural cut grown primarily for decorative papery seed pods.
Glowing blooms of the palest yellow.
Elegant white and green feathery blooms.
Vigorous plants with large leaves.
Vigorous blooms add wildflower look, spicy citrus scent to bouquets.
Sturdy purple-gray plumes for fresh and dried arrangements.
Brilliant blue flowers and decorative seed pods for fresh/dried bouquets.