Easy Choice Garden Set Vegetable & Herb Seed

Product ID:easy_choice_garden_set_pseasy_choice_garden_set_ps

Easy Choice Garden Set Vegetable & Herb Seed

Product ID:easy_choice_garden_set_pseasy_choice_garden_set_ps

Direct-seeded varieties for an easy kitchen garden.

If you're new to gardening and not sure where to start, rest easy. The best way for you to jump in and get your hands dirty is with seeds you directly sow into the soil (this is called "direct seeding"). We've assembled our easiest direct-seeded crops, (and selected the easiest varieties within those crops), so you can start at the best possible place: the beginning. Included in this set is one variety for each popular vegetable: lettuce, peas, beans, carrots, spinach, corn, radishes, pumpkins, beets, cucumbers, and summer squash. We also included an herb (basil). This assortment will give you a well-rounded kitchen garden! Be sure to follow the instructions for "direct seeding" on the packet backs. You can also find more detailed growing information by clicking through to each variety's product page, scrolling down, and clicking on the "Growing Information" tab. Happy growing! Feel free to reach out to us with questions. We're always happy to help.

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Allstar Gourmet Lettuce Mix Vegetable Seed

Product ID:2301.30easy_choice_garden_set_ps
Our most popular mix combines balanced color with balanced texture.

28 Days

4.4 out of 5 Customer Rating

Sugar Ann Pea Seed

Product ID:559.11easy_choice_garden_set_ps
Our earliest snap pea.

51 Days

4.8 out of 5 Customer Rating

Provider Bean Seed

Product ID:10.11easy_choice_garden_set_ps
Earliest to market, easy to grow, and adaptable to diverse conditions.

50 Days

4.2 out of 5 Customer Rating

Mokum (F1) Carrot Seed

Product ID:2186.11easy_choice_garden_set_ps
Slender "pencil carrots" top-rated for flavor among early varieties.

36 baby; 54 full size

5 out of 5 Customer Rating

Prospera® Compact DMR (PL4) Organic (F1) Basil Seed

Product ID:4168G.11easy_choice_garden_set_ps
Compact Genovese basil. Downy mildew and Fusarium resistant.

74 Days

3.7 out of 5 Customer Rating

Space Organic (F1) Spinach Seed

Product ID:4543G.11easy_choice_garden_set_ps
Tried-and-true variety for all seasons.

25 Days

3.4 out of 5 Customer Rating

Sugar Buns (F1) Corn Seed

Product ID:267.11easy_choice_garden_set_ps
Early sugary enhanced (se+) corn with a long harvest period.

70 Days

3.4 out of 5 Customer Rating

Rover (F1) Radish Seed

Product ID:664.11easy_choice_garden_set_ps
Extra-early and refined.

21 Days

4.5 out of 5 Customer Rating

Pipsqueak PMR (F1) Pumpkin Seed

Product ID:4019.11easy_choice_garden_set_ps
Tall tabletop pumpkin with wild handles.

100 Days

5 out of 5 Customer Rating

Boro (F1) Beet Seed

Product ID:3300.11easy_choice_garden_set_ps
Fast-maturing beet with strong tops.

50 Days

3.3 out of 5 Customer Rating

Gateway (F1) Cucumber Seed

Product ID:4777.11easy_choice_garden_set_ps
Improved downy mildew resistance.

56 Days

4.2 out of 5 Customer Rating

Dunja Organic (F1) Zucchini Squash Seed

Product ID:3843G.11easy_choice_garden_set_ps
Early, powdery-mildew resistant zucchini with high yields, open plants.

47 Days

5 out of 5 Customer Rating