A brief overview on identifying, preventing, and treating common carrot pests and diseases, from the carrot crop research and seed variety trialing team at Johnny's Selected Seeds.
Follow this set of guidelines for optimizing your harvest across the widest possible window in your region, including tips and recommendations for year-round production and harvesting, an explanation of the details of carrot season extension by variety selection, succession planting carrots, early carrots, main harvest carrots, storage carrots, and carrot types such as Nantes, Imperator, Parisian, and Kuroda, from the carrot breeding and trialing team at Johnny's Selected Seeds.
From Purple Haze to Nutri-Red, advice on the links between carrot flavor and color, the four features of carrot flavor, and how to grow a more flavorful, more colorful bunch of carrots, from Dr. John Navazio, carrot breeder, and Lauren Giroux, Director of Product Selection and Trialing.
Guidelines, specifics, and variety recommendations on best storage practices — temperature, humidity, and optimal shelf life — for enjoyment of classic storage crops such as roots and tubers like rutabagas, beets, turnip, cabbage, winter squash, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and leeks, well into the winter months.
A crop-by-crop guide to the best types and varieties of vegetables for winter growing success, ranked by level of difficulty in winter production, from the research team at Johnny's Selected Seeds.
Which key carrot traits are best for your farm or garden? Join us as we dig into carrot performance traits, including root types, foliar structure, speed of growth and field holding, and flavor development.
4 Keys to Successful Carrot Culture, from the carrot research and trialing team at Johnny's Selected Seeds : 1) Preparation of the carrot bed, soil composition and tilth; 2) Spacing of carrot bed rows; 3) Weeding timing and techniques; and 4) Watering and irrigation.
Learn when to harvest carrots and options for post-harvest handling and storage from the carrot experts at Johnny's Selected Seeds. Recommendations and tips for choosing varieties that store best and maintain good carrot flavor and eating quality, how to harvest to minimize damage, methods for preparing your carrot crop for optimal shelf life, and ideal ranges of temperature and humidity conditions during storage.