Connector Set Johnny's Modular LED Grow Light Cart Accessory

Product ID:6342.06342

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Connector Set Johnny's Modular LED Grow Light Cart Accessory

Product ID:6342.06342

Exclusive! Locks two Johnny's Modular LED Grow Light Carts together.

Developed exclusively for the Johnny's Modular LED Grow Light Cart (#6335), these connectors are designed to lock onto the legs of two separate Modular Light Cart frames at four points (two high, two low) so that the two carts will function as one 8-tray cart. These four connectors slide down the metal tube legs and secure into place around the shelves. They can be removed at any time for maximum versatility. 1 set of 4 plastic connectors link two Modular Light Carts. Made in the USA. Contains: 4 connectors.

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