Tine Harrow – 12"

Product ID:7577.07577

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Tine Harrow – 12"

Product ID:7577.07577

Exclusive! Perfect for cultivating right over crops or stale seedbedding.

Dual-staggered rows of stiff, spring-loaded tines effectively uproot thread-stage and cotyledon stage weeds in garden beds. More aggressive action than the Flex Tine Weeders; great for working in heavier soils and with crops (like onions) that do not form a leaf canopy. Can also be used to cultivate smaller leafy crops like baby leaf greens before canopies are fully developed. Includes Maine ashwood handle. Made in France by Terrateck. 12" wide. Switch to heavy gauge tines using our Heavy Tine Kit #6989. NOTE: There must be a disparity between the size of crops and the weeds being cultivated. For best results, use to cultivate crops every 7–10 days.

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This item’s size, weight, or shape may require an additional shipping surcharge based on the shipping location selected. Specific charges will be displayed during checkout.

The handles of our rakes, hoes and seeders ship separately and some assembly is required.

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