Cauliflower heads from five of Johnny's cauliflower varieties: green Romanesco, orange, white, purple, and green.


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Exceptionally early purple cauliflower.
Superior heat tolerance.
First white hybrid romanesco!
Best organic variety for fall harvest; uniform, self-wrapping heads.
Our most reliable all-season Romanesco.
For late summer and fall crops, tolerant to both heat and cold stress.
Improved Fremont-type hybrid for summer and fall crops.
Tolerant to club root.
Standard early variety with unusual seedling vigor.
Striking lime green Romanesco with pointed, spiraled pinnacles.
Superior wrap and adaptability.
Pastel orange cauliflower with improved heat tolerance.
Stunning dark purple heads for farm stands, CSAs, and restaurants.
Big green cauliflower for both cool and warm-weather production.
Attractive, flavorful, and reliable sprouting cauliflower.