Person standing in a high tunnel and holding a box of winter-harvest vegetables, including carrots, radicchio, mustard greens, and kale.

Recommended for Winter Harvest

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Better flavor than other bunching onions, sweeter and more complex.
Fast-growing with great color contrast for mixes.
Dark green, hybrid tatsoi for bunching or baby leaf.
Updated blend of downy mildew resistant varieties.
Standard cilantro, available in organic seed.
Uniform and slow-bolting radicchio.
Organic white-stemmed pac choi.
Red, ruffled leaves for beautiful color and texture.
Rich burgundy, hybrid tatsoi for bunching or baby leaf.
All yellow stems and leaf veins, for baby-leaf or full-size bunches.
This mild-tasting, slightly nutty mâche is the ideal winter salad item.
Exceptionally dark red, deeply lobed leaves.
Standard red chard for bunching or baby leaf.
Heat-tolerant choi sum for "cut and come again" harvest.