Key Growing Information

Leeks | Key Growing Information

Written by our research team, this reference contains Key Growing Information for leeks. Read more for a successful harvest!
Learn about our planting and harvesting programs, which varieties to plant and harvest and when, based on days to maturity and seasonal planting and harvesting slots. Planting programs help you ensure highest quality and yield across the widest possible window to your markets.
Guidelines, specifics, and variety recommendations on best storage practices — temperature, humidity, and optimal shelf life — for enjoyment of classic storage crops such as roots and tubers like rutabagas, beets, turnip, cabbage, winter squash, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and leeks, well into the winter months.
A crop-by-crop guide to the best types and varieties of vegetables for winter growing success, ranked by level of difficulty in winter production, from the research team at Johnny's Selected Seeds.