A quick look at the outstanding eggplant varieties we've trialed and selected for greenhouse production, because they outperformed all the rest in the protected-culture setting.
Tomato trialing expert Andrew Mefferd provides an overview of the distinctive qualities of the unique Artisan Tomatoes from Johnny's Selected Seeds.
Johnny's Canada Sales Representative Thomas Macy, a graduate of the University of Maine's Sustainable Agriculture program, walks viewers through the fundamentals of growing microgreens, including some calculations needed to approximate ROI from your microgreens operation.
A film about Calvin Lamborn, the father of the modern Snap Pea, whose breeding work gave us exquisite flavor, appearance, increased disease resistance, higher yields, smaller pods for efficient processing, and ease of picking.
Learn why this mini broccoli, which is sweeter and more tender than regular broccoli, is a mainstay in our Director of Product Selection & Trialing's home garden.
Johnny's Vegetable Product Manager Pete Zuck reviews the 7 key attributes that make 'Peppermint' one of his favorite Swiss chards: a tall, upright, easy-to-harvest plant for bunching; tolerance to bolting; stands up to Cercospora & other leaf diseases; beautiful, eye-catching appearance; peppermint-striped petiole; bright-white contrasting petiole extends all the way up into leaf veins; and dark, lustrous, voluminous leaves.
'Blush' is a unique, pink, long-day onion similar to the Italian heirloom, 'Rossa di Milano,' but with 4 distinct qualities that compel us to offer it in the Johnny’s catalog.
Take a closer look at Johnny's 'Dwarf Grey Sugar Pea' Shoots — delicious, beautiful & nutritious, a high-value crop for quick, easy, year-round growing.
Video: 'Baron' Poblano/Ancho Pepper | Classic, flat grilling pepper perfect for chilles rellenos
Simply roast 'Baron' on the grill, stovetop, or in the oven until the skin blackens, remove skin by placing them in a paper bag for a few minutes, peel, and stuff. If you’re looking for a great, flat, grilling Poblano/Ancho pepper, give 'Baron' a try.
Within a few days of harvest place these caps overtop frisée, escarole, and other chicory heads to blanch their hearts. Widely practiced in Europe, blanching chicories with caps keeps the sunlight off the plants, resulting a beautiful, yellow-white center that is less bitter, more tender to the tooth and sweet.
Johnny's Tomato Trialing Technician Daniel Yoder provides a top-grafting demo as a component of our Fundamentals of Tomato Grafting webinar. Daniel demonstrates both splice grafting and cleft grafting, with diagrams and recommendations for protocol and materials. Watch and learn by practicing with your own setup.
Year-round Nova Scotian gardener and author Niki Jabbour lends her expertise on how to grow 'Affirmed' and 'Cosmos,' two bush bean varieties that are easy to grow and delicious.