Watch our video to learn how to extend the growing season for cold-hardy crops with a very late-season harvest, or overwinter them for earliest possible spring harvest. See how Quick Hoops benders can allow you to accomplish this by creating tunnel hoops out of galvanized electrical conduit.
Summary of overwintering protection methods for low tunnels, from the experts at Johnny's Selected Seeds. Information on low tunnel covers, Quick Hoops low tunnels, electrical metal tubing (EMT), Agribon on low tunnels, low tunnel benders, PVD, Agribon-19, protection from frost, ventilating low tunnels, and 4 mil greenhouse film, relative to early spring harvest.
An illustrated set of step-by-step instructions from Eliot Coleman on how to set up and manage your Quick Hoops low tunnels from Johnny's Selected Seeds.
Visit our library of farming method, tool, accessory, and supply-specific information for assembly and instruction manuals, parts and cost calculators, comparison charts, guides and articles — an extensive set of resources made available by the Tool Research, Design, Development & Trialing Team at Johnny's Selected Seeds.
Basic cultural practices to follow for growing success through the summer heat, from germination, cultivation, and irrigation to harvest and post-harvest, from the research & trialing team at Johnny's Selected Seeds.
Watch Johnny's instructive and informative videos, on topics ranging from how to plant, cultivate, and harvest your crops, to using our unique line of slow tools and supplies, for effectively marketing your produce.