This interactive spreadsheet displays a matrix of FARM SEED/COVER CROP types, including 32 specific varieties of green manures, grains, legumes, and forage crops, with seed characteristics and Jang JP roller gauge size by millimeters, indicating the best Jang rollers for the particular variety, the roller part numbers, and whether or not the roller when placed on the Jang JP Seeder provides for seed singulation, plus a Notes/Comments field. Click on any Johnny's roller part # or specific farm seed variety part # in this chart to view or purchase. Save the file to your desktop to filter, sort, make your own edits, and keep more detailed records of which farm seed/cover crop sowing practices work best for you.
Here is the full, 90-minute presentation of our webinar on Cover Cropping for Field & Garden with Collin Thompson, Johnny's Farm Ops Manager, including the Q&A session.