Follow these growing instructions for successful production of broom corn, a tall, annual ornamental corn-like grass (Sorghum bicolor), with seed heads used for broom-making, ornamental crafts, and flower arrangements.
Technical Production Guidelines for growing and harvesting Super Sweet Corn. [formerly published as '10 Golden Rules for Growing Super Sweet Corn'] 1. Isolate. 2. Monitor soil temperature. 3. Adjust planter. 4. Ensure adequate moisture. 5. Fertilize. 6. Make a smooth seed bed. 7. Plant on the shallow side. 8. Note the half-silk date. 9. Harvest on time. 10. Refrigerate.
What are the differences between the various types of sweet corn? Look for the following abbreviations in the product descriptions: • Normal Sugary (su); • Sugary Enhanced (se) and (se+); • Synergistic (syn); and • Shrunken 2 (sh2), or "Super Sweet." Here are the descriptions we use for these four types of sweet corn...
A downloadable, printable, full-color comparison chart for Johnny's Sweet Corn varieties, showing part number, varietal name, days to maturity, average ear length, plant height, row count, and disease resistances.
Our Dry Field & Ornamental Corn (Broom Corn/Sorghum) Varieties Comparison Chart lists product ID#, variety name, days-to-maturity, ear length, plant height, and average seeds/pound, with a short description and photographs for easy varietal comparison.
OMRI Certificate for SoilBiotics Organic 1r Seed Treatment. Organic Materials Review Institute-listed as appropriate for use in certified-organic production.
Safety Data Sheet for SoilBiotics Organic 1r Seed Treatment.