Learn how 5 flower farmers from across the U.S. are successfully adapting to heat, drought, and the extreme weather events of a changing climate.
Basic cultural practices to follow for growing success through the summer heat, from germination, cultivation, and irrigation to harvest and post-harvest, from the research & trialing team at Johnny's Selected Seeds.
Key recommendations for heat-tolerant, cool-weather varieties, and cool-weather-loving crops successfully through summer's heat, from Johnny's Research & Trialing Team.
Chart for optimal post-harvest cooling method, temperature,and humidity ranges, and potential shelf life for a range of summer-harvest, fresh-market crops, in alphabetical order.
A downloadable, printable version of our Shade Cloth Comparison Chart, for comparing options, recommended crops, and areas for low tunnels and high tunnels.
Here is the full presentation of our Lettuce & Greens for Southern Growers webinar, followed by a Q&A session. The full video runs approximately 90 minutes.
Here is the full presentation of our Climate Adaptation for Vegetable & Flower Farmers webinar, followed by a Q&A session. The full video runs just approximately 1½ hours.
Join hosts Hillary Alger and Debra Prinzing along with four professional Southern flower-farmer guest panelists for an in-depth discussion about growing flowers in the southern US.