Comparison Chart
Microgreens Comparison Chart (PDF)
A downloadable, printable, 2-pp full-color listing of all of our Herb, Flower and Vegetable microgreen varieties, broken out by Fast-Growing and Slow-Growing varieties, part numbers, descriptions, and flavors. Use our chart to compare and contrast our diverse, carefully trialed and selected microgreen offerings.
Top easy picks from Johnny's research team, including 5 varieties + 4 perfect premixed blends + 3 crops. These 12 easy-to-grow choices are the best microgreens for beginners.
How Johnny's research team conducted a microgreens yield and seeding density trial, with links to our trial results charts and data collection templates.
Use our Fast-Growing Microgreen Flowers, Herbs & Vegetables Chart to compare and contrast Johnny's diverse, carefully trialed and selected line of microgreen varieties that grow to harvest stage within an average of 10–15 days from sowing. Chart includes type, part number, variety, description, flavor, packet sizes, and prices.
Use our Slow-Growing Microgreen Flowers, Herbs & Vegetables Chart to compare and contrast Johnny's diverse, carefully trialed and selected line of microgreen varieties that grow to harvest stage within an average of 16–25 days from sowing. Chart includes type, part number, variety, description, flavor, packet sizes, and prices.
An introductory guide to the year-round production of microgreens for profit and pleasure, from the Research Team at Johnny's Selected Seeds. Read up on the basics, from selecting which seed varieties to grow, equipment and space considerations to make, to production fundamentals, harvesting technique, and marketing tips.