Follow the instructions in this Tech Sheet for optimal results with your Basic Microgreens Starter Kit, which can be used year-round to grow healthy microgreens.
Follow the instructions in this Tech Sheet for optimal results with your Deluxe Microgreens Starter Kit, which can be used year-round to grow healthy microgreens.
Microgreens Brochure | An Overview of Growing, Harvesting & Marketing Basics | Printable 4-pp PDF
This 4-pp brochure provides prospective microgreens growers an introduction to the basics of successful microgreens crop production, harvesting, and marketing.
Comparison Chart
Microgreens Comparison Chart (PDF)
A downloadable, printable, 2-pp full-color listing of all of our Herb, Flower and Vegetable microgreen varieties, broken out by Fast-Growing and Slow-Growing varieties, part numbers, descriptions, and flavors. Use our chart to compare and contrast our diverse, carefully trialed and selected microgreen offerings.
This tech sheet provides simple, basic information on the materials and methods used for microgreens production, including set-up, site location, sowing, successive plantings, and off-season growing.
We created this table to help you estimate potential yield for your microgreens enterprise. To generate the data included here, we conducted a microgreens yield study at Johnny’s Research Farm in 2017. During this trial, we gathered information on seeding amounts and potential yield for 29 different microgreen varieties...
Use our Fast-Growing Microgreen Flowers, Herbs & Vegetables Chart to compare and contrast Johnny's diverse, carefully trialed and selected line of microgreen varieties that grow to harvest stage within an average of 10–15 days from sowing. Chart includes type, part number, variety, description, flavor, packet sizes, and prices.
Key Growing Information
Microgreens | Key Growing Information
Written by our research team, this reference contains the essential information for growing microgreens. Read more for a successful harvest!
Use our Slow-Growing Microgreen Flowers, Herbs & Vegetables Chart to compare and contrast Johnny's diverse, carefully trialed and selected line of microgreen varieties that grow to harvest stage within an average of 16–25 days from sowing. Chart includes type, part number, variety, description, flavor, packet sizes, and prices.
Printable, 2-pp insert featuring Salad Mixes and Microgreens Mixes from Johnny's Selected Seeds.
Johnny's Canada Sales Representative Thomas Macy, a graduate of the University of Maine's Sustainable Agriculture program, walks viewers through the fundamentals of growing microgreens, including some calculations needed to approximate ROI from your microgreens operation.
R&D Microgreens Trialing Technician Rachel Katz covers the key characteristics of this pretty, colorful, mild-flavored combination of beet and chard seed, exclusively from Johnny's Selected Seeds.