- Acorn Winter Squash | Key Growing Information
- 'Honey Bun' Sweet Dumpling Squash Bred by Johnny's
- Butternut Winter Squash | Key Growing Information
- Delicata & Sweet Dumpling Winter Squash | Key Growing Information
- Eating Quality in Winter Squashes | Why Some Varieties Just Taste Better Than Others
- Grower Profile: Louie's Pumpkin Patch - Skövde, Sweden | Johnny's Selected Seeds 40th Anniversary
- How to Choose Fall Cucurbits | Edible, Ornamental & Dual-Purpose Pumpkins, Squash & Gourds
- Hubbard Winter Squash | Key Growing Information
- Kabocha Winter Squash | Key Growing Information
- Spaghetti Winter Squash | Key Growing Information
- Video: Miso-Glazed Kabocha Squash Recipe
- Winter Squash Varieties | Comparison Chart (PDF)
- The Winter Squash Eating Experience | Basic Differences in Eating Quality Between 7 Types
- Winter Squash | Key Growing Information
- Winter Squash Production | Tech Sheet (PDF)
- Curing & Storage Chart for Different Kinds of Winter Squash
- Classic Storage Crops | Post-Harvest Handling & Storage Guidelines
- Cucumber Beetle Lure Instructions | Tech Sheet (PDF)
- Johnny's-Bred Kabocha Winter Squash Timeline | Infographic
- Video: 'Night Shift' Acorn Squash | Bred by Johnny's
- Video: 'Marmalade' Kabocha Squash | Bred by Johnny's
- Buttercup Winter Squash | Key Growing Information
'Honey Bun' Sweet Dumpling Squash Bred by Johnny's
This is our new sweet dumpling squash 'Honey Bun'.
'Honey Bun' is a really exciting new introduction for us. It's a sweet dumpling type squash that's high yielding and has excellent flavor and texture. We've done lots of taste tests over several years to make sure that we release something that tastes really good. It ripens to a beautiful caramel color after a few weeks in storage.
'Honey Bun' combines material from both the Johnny's breeding program and the University of New Hampshire.
It was selected for its lovely appearance, high yield, and excellent flavor.
'Honey Bun’s' small size makes it really easy to prepare. We think it will make a delicious addition to your fall meals.