A full-color, downloadable and printable (PDF) comparison chart of row cover and insect netting options and uses.
Use protected cropping, high tunnels, greenhouses, bird net, and other protected culture methods to maximize your return on growing fruit. Here's the basic information you need to get started.
Learn the basics of successful melon growing, with information on diverse netted, or "winter" melon types, from the Johnny's melon research and trialing team. Includes information on melon seed-starting, transplanting melon, melon culture, important type- and variety-specific harvest indicators, as well as best storage conditions and shelf life of Charentais, canary, cantaloupe (muskmelon), Crenshaw, galia (tropical), honeydew, Piel de Sapo, and Asian melon types.
A summary of this year's Floral Forecast, with Insights & Industry Trends from Debra Prinzing, Johnny's partner and founder of the Slow Flowers movement.
Chart for optimal post-harvest cooling method, temperature,and humidity ranges, and potential shelf life for a range of summer-harvest, fresh-market crops, in alphabetical order.
Follow these guidelines for best success when direct seeding crops into the garden or field: covers benefits, materials needed, bed prep basics, recommendations for sowing to thinning, and how to address common post-germination issues the grower may encounter.
For experienced vegetable farmers looking to expand into commercial cut-flower production, as well as the more casual — yet entrepreneurial — gardener exploring ways to create a tidy income stream on the side, these personal narratives from expert farmers around the nation introduce our top-15 choices for getting started in cut flowers. Remember to take notes as you create your seed lists!
A look at tomato trellising systems, with a focus on 3 different systems for trellising tomatoes in the field or protected culture, including instructions on setting up your trellis system from Johnny's Selected Seeds.
What are the best practices and systems for harvesting and post-harvest handling of flowers, herbs, and foliages before they leave the field and workshop, to safeguard that quality? This survey of 5 specialty cut-flower growers distills the collective and cumulative wisdom of three-quarters of a century of farming and selling flowers, from the Slow Flowers community.
Welcome to our Resources page for the Fundamentals of Tomato Grafting webinar, a list of materials to help provide you with the knowledge needed for small-scale production of grafted tomato plants.
Learn best practices for managing pests & diseases in controlled agriculture, including hydroponics & greenhouse settings. From Johnny's Selected Seeds.
A summary of the advantages of growing mini versus full-sized head lettuces, with a quick look at the numbers for comparing return on investment for full head lettuces and mini head lettuces.