An illustrated reference to edible flower bloom size, flavor profile, suggested uses, and variety recommendations from Johnny's flower research and trialing team.
'Cannes Light Bronze III' is a Group 3 snapdragon that has performed really well for us in the late summer planting slot.
'Monaco Orange' is a Group 3 snapdragon that is well-suited for production under long days and high light and has a vibrant orange color.
This Tech Sheet covers the primary aspects of successful snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) cut-flower production from start to finish, including Harvest Period, Light & Heat Levels, Flowering Periods, Assigned Groups, and Varieties, along with general instructions and recommendations on Life Cycle, Site Selection, Culture, Spacing, Pests and Diseases, and Harvesting, from the Flower Research Team at Johnny's Selected Seeds.
Hillary Alger, Flower Product Manager at Johnny's, presents a tutorial for designing a simple, professional-quality bouquet with focal, spike, and filler flowers.
Get a tour of our overwinter snapdragon trials, with variety recommendations and tips for successful snapdragon overwintering, from the research team at Johnny's.
Flower Trialing Tech Joy Longfellow introduces 'Legend Light Pink' snapdragon and provides a close-up comparison with concurrently planted 'Costa Silver' in the spring-planted tunnel.