All about our seeds: Learn about safe seeds, seed quality, and what makes seeds certified organic, F1 hybrid, open-pollinated, or heirloom, as well as different seed enhancements to improve seed viability and versatility.
Read how Peach Crest Farm in Stratford, OK is leading the way with fresh, organic produce for the Farm to School movement.
Suggestions for mouthwatering combinations of culinary herbs and farm fresh produce, from Johnny's Selected Seeds.
Tips and recommendations for successfully marketing your herb plants in creative ways. Whether you elect to sell herbs in containers, pots, flats, or 6-packs, at farmers' markets, farm stands, retail nurseries, fairs, or specialty shops, it's wise to develop a marketing plan before you plant your herb seeds or plants. Here are some helpful ideas from Lynn Byczynski, author, editor, publisher, farmer, and sustainable agriculture consultant.
Save money by growing your own vegetables and herbs. Niki Jabbour explains how, by choosing: a) easy-to-grow, productive varieties; that b) you love and use a lot; and that c) are more costly if you buy them.
Herbs are often called the useful plants, with good reason. They are valuable for culinary, cosmetic, medicinal, and ornamental products, offering growers a world of possibilities. They can be sold as live plants, sold fresh-cut, used in bouquets or other value-added products, or dried for later use. Here are a few ways to make herbs a profitable part of your market garden.
Learn key points for successful, professional-quality container herb production, benefits of gardening with potted herbs, and best herbs for container growing.