What are the best practices and systems for harvesting and post-harvest handling of flowers, herbs, and foliages before they leave the field and workshop, to safeguard that quality? This survey of 5 specialty cut-flower growers distills the collective and cumulative wisdom of three-quarters of a century of farming and selling flowers, from the Slow Flowers community.
Scheduling and succession planting tips + variety notes and recommendations for a successful harvest of forced tulips, from our research trials.
Learn about the process for forcing flower bulbs, including infrastructure and materials needed for achieving early blooms.
The step-by-step process of how to force tulip bulbs in soil, including chilling, forcing, harvesting, and common problems and pitfalls.
Use this printable chart to review distinguishing features of Johnny's premium-quality tulip bulbs. Types include Darwin Hybrids, Doubles, Parrots, Triumph, and Single Late selections.
Written by our research team, this reference contains the essential information for growing TULIP bulbs (Tulipa spp). Read more for a successful cut-flower harvest!
A guide with detailed instructions for planting your tulip and/or narcissus bulbs for annual cut-flower production or naturalizing, from the Flowering Research & Trialing team at Johnny's Selected Seeds. Information covered here includes: What to do when your bulbs arrive; Inspecting your bulbs; Notes for hardiness Zones 8–10, Site selection and preparation; Planting; Bulb spacing; Mulching; Irrigation; Fertilizer; Harvest; Storage; Garden maintenance and perennialization / naturalization; Pests and diseases.
Safety Data Sheet for Chrysal Clear Bulbosus T-bag, cut-flower conditioner. Includes product ID; hazard ID; composition; first-aid measures; fire-fighting measures; accidental release measures; handling and storage; exposure controls, personal protection; physical and chemical properties; stability and reactivity; toxicological information; ecological Information; disposal considerations; transport information; regulatory information.
Safety Data Sheet for Chrysal Clear Bulbosus cut-flower conditioner. Includes Product ID; Hazard ID; Composition; First-aid measures; Fire-fighting measures; Accidental release measures; Handling and storage; Exposure controls, personal protection; Physical and chemical properties; Stability and reactivity; Toxicological information; Ecological Information; Disposal considerations; Transport information; Regulatory information.
Learn how we extend our tulip harvest 3-4 weeks at our Zone 5 Research Farm in Albion, Maine. Johnny's Flower Trialing Tech, Joy Longfellow covers key steps in planting, culture, and harvest, including key differences between field-planted tulips and those in the unheated tunnel.
Join Joy Longfellow, Johnny's Flower Trial Technician for a close-up look at 'Queensday' tulip, with its bright, early- to mid-spring double blooms, long strong stems, and light, citrusy fragrance.
Join us in the tulip trial field as we discuss 'Mysterious Parrot', a richly colored parrot tulip.