An introduction to strategies for effectively targeting both annual weeds and perennial weeds in sustainable agriculture systems, from Johnny's Selected Seeds.
Gain the upper hand over weeds by following the basic principles addressed in this article from expert weed ecologist, Professor Eric Gallandt of the University of Maine, & Johnny's Selected Seeds. To save time and labor in the long term: 1) Reduce the existing weed seedling density and the weed seedbank; and 2) Block additional weed seeds from gaining a toehold. An overview of the fundamental 2-pronged approach to weed management in sustainable agriculture.
An overview of our Glaser and Terrateck Wheel Hoe models and attachments, covering types of cultivation and weeding functions, attachments, accessories, options, and tips.
A learning resource page for our introductory webinar on cover cropping for field and garden, presented by Johnny's Farm Operations Manager Collin Thompson.
Learn which long-handled tools work best for inter-row, in-row, and footpath cultivation, with explanations and tips on the strengths and limitations of Johnny's line of weeding and cultivation tools.
4 Keys to Successful Carrot Culture, from the carrot research and trialing team at Johnny's Selected Seeds : 1) Preparation of the carrot bed, soil composition and tilth; 2) Spacing of carrot bed rows; 3) Weeding timing and techniques; and 4) Watering and irrigation.