Costs and Materials Calculator for building a Microgreens / Seedling Bench for Quick Hoops and other types of high tunnels and hoophouses, from the Tools Research, Design, and Development Team at Johnny's Selected Seeds.
The raw data presented in this Excel spreadsheet were collected in our Yield Data Trial and separately averaged to create the table on the Microgreens Yield Trial Comparison Chart (see separate Tech Sheet [PDF]).
Key Growing Information
Microgreens | Key Growing Information
Written by our research team, this reference contains the essential information for growing microgreens. Read more for a successful harvest!
Johnny's Canada Sales Representative Thomas Macy, a graduate of the University of Maine's Sustainable Agriculture program, walks viewers through the fundamentals of growing microgreens, including some calculations needed to approximate ROI from your microgreens operation.
R&D Microgreens Trialing Technician Rachel Katz covers the key characteristics of this pretty, colorful, mild-flavored combination of beet and chard seed, exclusively from Johnny's Selected Seeds.
R&D Microgreens Trialing Technician Rachel Katz covers the key characteristics of this exclusive, easy-to-grow, mildly-flavored combination of brassicas, exclusively from Johnny's Selected Seeds.
R&D Microgreens Trialing Technician Rachel Katz covers the key characteristics of this exclusive, easy-to-grow, radish micromix, exclusively from Johnny's Selected Seeds.