Baby Leaf Greens: 12 Picks for Market Growers Webinar

Baby Leaf Greens: 12 Picks for Market Growers

About Our Presenters
Brenna Chase Brenna Chase is the Product Manager for leafy greens at Johnny's, which include lettuce, kale, collards, Swiss chard, spinach, chicory, and baby leaf greens. She additionally manages several other crops, including carrots, beans, and peas. Brenna is responsible for managing the product assortment for these crops as well as overseeing the product development targets of Johnny's carrot, Swiss chard, and greens breeding programs.
Rachel Katz Rachel Katz has been working on farms for nearly 20 years and has held the position of Trials Technician at Johnny's Research Farm for the past 5. At Johnny's she works with leafy greens, both large and small, in both high tunnels and in the field, to parse out the subtle differences between varieties and growing strategies that help ensure growers' success.
About Our Moderator
Lauren KendallLauren Kendall has been commercially farming for nearly 15 years and has been with Johnny's since November 2021. At Johnny's she is the Territory Sales Representative for the mid-Atlantic region, including Virginia, West Virginia, DC, Delaware, and Maryland, as well as Tennessee and Kentucky.

Welcome to the Resources page for our Baby Leaf Greens: 12 Picks for Market Growers Webinar, a list of educational materials related to the webinar. The webinar has taken place, but in case you missed it or want to revisit the material, we provide links to the video recording of the webinar and related learning materials below.

OVERVIEW: Johnny's leafy greens research team, Brenna Chase and Rachel Katz, discuss 12 of their favorite varieties from our extensive offering of baby leaf greens. They explain why they love these unique varieties; offer tips and techniques for optimizing their performance on your farm; and provide insight into the trialing work we do within the wide world of baby leaf greens.

Following the presentation, Brenna and Rachel answer attendees' questions in a Q&A session, moderated by Johnny's Territory Sales Representative, Lauren Kendall.

Learning Resources

Baby Leaf Greens: 12 Picks for Market Growers • VIDEO
Here is a video of the webinar presentation and Q&A session. The full video runs just over an hour. Watch…
Baby Leaf Greens & Lettuce • Digital Catalog
Johnny's 32-page, full-color digital Baby Leaf Catalog highlights our intensively trialed and curated line of baby leaf varieties. View…
Baby Leaf Greens & Lettuce • Production Guide
Follow these recommendations for successful selection, sowing, and cultural production of baby-leaf crops to be harvested as greens or salad mix components. Techniques are specific to baby-leaf production for harvest at this maturity stage. This tech sheet outlines basic small-scale field production methods and primary aspects of producing a wide range of leafy salad greens. Tech Sheet (PDF)…
Baby Leaf Greens Harvester • VIDEO
Designed for ergonomic harvesting of 30"-wide beds of baby leaf greens and tender aromatics, this harvester provides precise, clean cuts and neatly conveys the harvest into bags or crates in the field, high tunnel, or greenhouse. Watch…